Thank you for your contributions!



Click here to view your giving statement

Giving statement FAQ:

When logging into view my giving statement it says I already have an account, but I have never created one: Our system automatically generates log ins for some members. Simply click “request a new password” or “forgot password”. The system will send you a new password to log in.


I logged in and I do not see my giving: If you are in the system with a different email address or name as the one you entered we will have to merge your created account with your giving account. If you are having trouble seeing your giving log please email [email protected].


Is Fellowshipone Go & Fellowshipone Giving the same thing?: The simple answer is no. Fellowshipone Giving is our online giving processor and Fellowshipone Go is our database. Fellowshipone Go will be your resource for your complete giving statement.


If you have any questions about your giving statement please call the church office at 719-392-1231 or email [email protected]