Welcome to VWO
Are you looking for a church home? You've found it! VWO is a diverse church with many different cultures, ages, and interests represented. This year we are celebrating our 40th year of ministry. As a church our favorite thing is welcoming new faces into our services. We can't wait to meet you!

Service Times
Sundays at 9am & 11am (in-person & online)
Wednesdays at 7pm
During our services, you can expect powerful worship, inspiring preaching, and a great place to find community!

Our address is 3150 S. Academy Blvd. 80916 We are located in southern colorado springs on the corner of S. Academy & Hancock. Just look for the big Jesus sign!

What To Expect
We want you to come as you are! We are a diverse, non-denominational church of young and old., singles and families, from all different background.
Common Questions
What do I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable coming to church. Come in jeans and a t-shirt or in a dress and heels. You will see a variety of attires during each of our services.
Are there activities for my kids?
Yes! We love our Victory Kids and know how important it is for them to make friends & to be well cared for at church. We offer activities for children 0-6th grade during all our services.
What is the music like?
The worship music at VWO is lead by a full, live band. There’s a range of musical styles you will hear, typically a mix of contemporary and hymns.
What denomination is VWO?
We are a non-denominational church that emphasizes the importance of using the Bible as our foundation and guide for our faith and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We also have church plants in 14 different countries and 5 states.
Will it be easy for me to get connected?
Yes! Finding community is easy at VWO. We are a church made up of small groups and joining one is easy. We also have a youth ministry, girls and boys clubs (2nd-7th grade), and other opportunities to connect you with others.
Church is new to me, will i feel comfortable?
Yes! Victory World Outreach is a church full of people who did not grow up in church and met Jesus while visiting our church. We are diverse in life experiences, ages, and occupations but what brings us together is a love for Jesus Christ. We'd love to be part of the plan Jesus has for your life. If you are looking for a class to learn about the Bible, consider taking our Next Step class which happens every other month.